Lilypie Countdown to Adoption tickers

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 1 - We are in China!

We left home this morning at about 4:30 a.m. The first leg of our travels took us to Washington DC's Dulles airport. As we were departing the plane, we met a couple on our flight traveling with their 9 year old son. We found out that they were also traveling to Beijing to adopt a 5 year old little girl. It was wonderful to spend our time waiting for the Beijing flight chatting with another adopting family. Andrew had a great time playing with his new friend and the time in DC (5 hours) passed very quickly.

Our flight to Beijing was just shy of 14 hours. Although we were ready to get off the plane by the time we landed, the flight wasn't actually bad at all. There were plenty of things to do to pass the time. The Beijing airport was easy to get through. It was very clean and the customs desk was efficient. Our agency's coordinator met us as we exited the baggage claim area and got us to our hotel. We are staying at The Beijing International Hotel. This afternoon we had a chance to walk around the area a bit and eat a delicious meal at a restaurant nearby. The waitresses were so sweet as they tried to show Andrew how to hold his chopsticks! It has been a long but very exciting day. Tomorrow we meet another family from our adoption agency and we get to explore Beijing!


  1. So happy to hear you've arrived and are doing well! Looking forward to more updates and pictures!

  2. Glad you made it safely. Can not wait to hear updates about Lia and your trip. Best of luck and wishing you much happiness and joy with your journey..

    Love Sue

  3. It sounds like things couldn't be going better! You guys look terrific in the photo...even after a 14 hour flight! I bet you guys (especially Andrew) are enjoying all the new sights, sounds and smells. Todd and I will have to have Chinese food this week in celebration of your trip. Andrew will have to teach me how to use chopsticks when he returns. :)

    Love, Lisa

  4. Yay! So excited for you!

    Love, Gosia

  5. This is sooooo great! Love reading your posts. Thanks for sharing your adventure. Lia is a beautiful little girl! So glad you're all having a good time and things are going so well. Can't wait to see you all again soon.
